All businesses now are based on online marketing, and websites have become a key factor for all businesses. A well developed, effective as well as a professional website can lead the way to the success of your online business. E-Commerce has a major role in expanding your business and making your business website more convenient for transactions and trading.
The best solution to convert your website to an e-Commerce site is the use of the WordPress platform. You can simply convert your online business website into an online shop using simple but outstanding WordPress plugins. But before choosing the WordPress platform, it is important to know about the WordPress platform and benefits in using WordPress over other platforms.
What Makes WordPress Platform Significant?
Due several reasons WordPress holds a significant place among several platforms. WordPress being a very famous platform, installations have exceeded a number more than 140 million, as well as a fraction of one-sixth of the top million sites ranked by the traffic are supported by the WordPress platform. Moreover half of the top million sites ranked by traffic also use the WordPress content management system.
WordPress is easily accessible to anyone at requirement, as it is completely open source as designed by volunteers, you can simply obtain for free. And it is simple to use like any normal program. The appearance at the frontend and the function on the backend can be easily customized by simply integrating the latest themes and advanced plugins. There are more than 20, 000 plugins available to build up the performance of the website. WordPress also has automatic, constant updates so you always have a good security and better functioning.
Why Should You Use WordPress forE-Commerce?
Effectual approach to any online business is WordPress. WordPress platform can be used for e-Commerce simply as you can obtain the plugins as well as the themes, by single click installation. The WordPress plugins for e-Commerce works with any WordPress themes.
The WordPress themes and plugins allows the customer to explore the website and the products conveniently, it also allows the customer to purchase the products now or later. With good and suitable plugins you can make the website flexible with good performance and also make the payout process easier. With an attractive theme you can increase the organic traffic as well as the customers to your site.
Once you use WordPress theme or plugins for your website, the templates can be modified easily. You can get your website supported by popular payment methods. Moreover the themes and plugins provided by WordPress platform are search engine friendly, thus with proper optimization, it is easy to get your website indexed and make it reachable for your customers.
You can also make your business site to support various currencies as well as multiple major languages.You can design to provide several shipping options, and the also website can be integrated with Google.
You can add multiple sections and defined categories using WordPress. You have the most convenient marketing and promotion tools, thusthe website also can be to promote the product and services via the social media networking sites. You can simply gain a large mass of community support by using WordPress. And you also can simply enable the trackback links.
How to Use WordPress for E-Commerce Website?
With simple guidance you can make the e-Commerce site using the WordPress.
- Installation of WordPress
As you can host your site or hire a webhosting service, once you login to your hosting account’s control panel, you can view the software category. Under this heading you will be able to view a link for WordPress. Simply by clicking on this link you can install all the WordPress files.
You can login to your site’s administration panel using the password generated after installing WordPress. The default WordPress theme will be installed initially.
- Choosing a Theme Template
You can obtain several free WordPress themes, as well as premium WordPress themes by a simple search using Google. Once you download the zip files, you can unzip it to use the files. You can upload all the themes you have to your websites’ theme folder, where you can activate the new theme after login into administrative panel. You can apply the new theme to your website by choosing the theme and clicking the “add new”.
- Installing The E-Commerce Plug-in
You can find several suitable WordPress e-Commerce plug-in by a simple Google search with “WordPress e-Commerce plugins” and download them. You can upload the plugins to the site’s plugins folder, for later access. On activation of the e-Commerce plugins you can get the inks for the payout, products, transactions etc. on your website.
- Adding the Products To The Website
You can efficiently add the entire products for your website, with the access to the plugins’ general settings. However you are able to add numerous products and manage them from the administration panel regardless of the plugins you have downloaded.
- Search Engine Optimization For WordPress Website
With the All-in-one SEO software you can optimize and the Meta tags for the WordPress content. You can change the URL’s and permalink of the website to make them search engine friendly.
- Promoting and Marketing of e-Commerce Website
In order to increase the purchasing and transaction from your site you have to increase the traffic to your site. Simple effective ways like video marketing, social media marketing, blogging, article marketing, PPC marketing, newsletter etc. can generate the traffic to a greater extent.
- Monitoring and Managing The Website
With the site statistics you can keep track of the traffic to your website along with the conversion rate. This will help you to make your hosting plan to develop your website. You can monitor the website with the records of customer base locations, most efficient keywords etc.
Using of WordPress makes all administrating and website programming easier. WordPress also is the major CMS and has an unimaginable support to anyone contributing to website hosting.
Author Bio:
Ghulam e Mustafa is experienced WordPress programmer. He shared about the using of WordPress for e-Commerce making the hosting and design simple for you.
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