Despite the continuous evolution of search engine optimization, and factors that help push it forward, keywords remain relevant. Of course, this is because the goal of SEO in the first place is to improve the best sites be returned for searches using any keyword. The results should be able to provide the best answer for the query, matched with the best user experience.
Keywords are the search terms used for a query. It is the parameter set to determine what sites and pages would be included in the search results. And while there are a number of factors that determine which page is first, the primary way for a site to be included in the said result is by optimizing for the said keyword.
Traditionally, keywords are just a word or a short phrase. This has been the norm for keywords since time immemorial. But over the past few years, the need to adopt longer keywords, usually referred to as long-tail keywords, has surfaced.
What are long-tail keywords?
Long-tail keywords refer to more extended keywords that are generally more specific. The main keyword, usually called head keyword, is that single term that can stand as its own as a search term. But differentiating words added into the head keyword makes it more specific. Sites that optimize for long-tail keywords help their site become more relevant to more specific searches.
The following are some of the benefits of using long-tail keywords:
Lower Competition
Long-tail keywords help you become more specific. In doing so, there are fewer sites that would compete with yours. This is true not only because you will be able to differentiate your site from more general keywords, but that there are still a lot of websites that do not practice long-tail keywords. With lower competition, your site will have more chances of ranking high, exposing your site to huge opportunities.
More targeted audience
Not only will there be less competition, but you will also be able to target more specific audiences. This will help you tap searchers who have something more specific in mind, as compared those who would tend to go for shorter keywords which would, of course, yield more general search results. In doing so, you are tapping a subset of your audience that knows what they are looking for, and are ready to do what they have in mind.
Better conversion rates
Since you will be tapping a more specific audience, and one that is almost already aware of what he intends to do, conversion rates for long-tail keywords are generally better than compared to shorter keywords. This makes your keywords very efficient. This gives long-tail keywords the upper hand when it comes to the kind of results that it can achieve as compared to going for the traditional keyword structure.
Again, searchers using longer search terms are easier to convert as they are typically more advanced in the sales funnel. They are almost ready to convert to start with. Long-tail keywords also encourage more quality traffic, focusing less on quantity. And with this, going for long-tail keywords often bring about more significant results, especially when it comes to conversion rates.
Works well with voice search
Another great thing with a long-tail keyword is that it is compatible with another development that affects SEO – voice search. Voice search, a deviation from the traditional searching methodology of typing, utilize the users’ spoken queries. And queries coursed through voice search are usually compatible with long-tail keywords. This is because it is a lot easier to talk than type. And when we talk, we tend to speak in the natural way, thus; in complete sentences. With this in mind, it only makes sense that voice searches work best with long-tail keywords as compared to the traditional keyword format.
Easier to optimize
Long-tail keywords are also easier to optimize. Since long-tail keywords would yield to results that are more specific, it is also a lot easier to implement your optimization strategies for it.
Furthermore, long-tail keywords integrate with your content a lot more naturally, making optimization a breeze. Again, with less competition and a specific audience in mind, it is indeed easier to optimize your content, your pages, and your site, to your long-tail keyword.
Affordable advertising
Lastly, the use of long-tail keyword is generally more cost-effective than short keywords. This is because it deals with less traffic, and it removes less probable leads from your bucket. In that light, it will cost you less to bid on your keywords. Remember, the higher the competition, the more expensive your keywords tend to be. But with lower competition for long-tail keywords, it is cheaper as compared to short keywords.
This is also especially true for pay-per-click advertising. By going for more short keywords, you are a tapping a general market with lower conversion rates, despite having a higher click-through rate. This will cost you a lot despite earning less from it. It is, therefore, better to deal with a more specific keyword with less CTR, but better conversion so that you would not waste a lot of advertising money.
True enough, it would be more financially-smart, to opt for long-tail keywords as compared to shorter ones.
Adopt long-tail keywords for better SEO
The use of long-tail keywords is relatively new in the realms of search engine optimization. It is something that not a lot of sites are already practicing. Just that is already a reason for you to jump ahead of your competitors so that you will be able to enjoy the perks of being the first to jump into this development.
But aside from that, the reasons above have justified that the use of longer keywords carry a lot of benefits that justify why it is worth it to adopt its use. Summing them all up, long-tail keywords would allow you to achieve better results more efficiently not only in effort but also in terms of costs.
With all these, there are not many reasons why you should not maximize the use of long-tail keywords starting today.
Author Bio
John Vuong is the sole owner of Local SEO Search Inc., one of the best SEO Agency in Canada. John’s mission is to help local business owners improve their online influence so they can dominate their industry. With his business acumen and innate understanding of the local business landscape, John writes blogs that delve on how to customize SEO campaigns based on client needs.