Call a Widget in pages content from admin

Here its an idea how you call your widget in pages content using admin panel. If you want to call your wideget not on every page or just call or shows on single page in content area so this is very help to show you how to Call a widget with a shortcode. First creating a custom function for the functions.php file which would output any widget by name. After that Now in Post/Page content, you can use that widget just by referencing it by name. [php] function widget($atts) { global $wp_widget_factory; extract(shortcode_atts(array( 'widget_name' => FALSE ), $atts)); $widget_name = wp_specialchars($widget_name); if (!is_a($wp_widget_factory->widgets[$widget_name], 'WP_Widget')): $wp_class = 'WP_Widget_'.ucwords(strtolower($class)); if (!is_a($wp_widget_factory->widgets[$wp_class], 'WP_Widget')): return '<p>'.sprintf(__("%s: Widget class not found. Make sure this widget exists and the class name is correct"),'<strong>'.$class.'</strong>').'</p>'; else: $class =…
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WordPress Plugins for eCommerce

WP e-Commerce WP e-Commerce shopping cart plugin for WordPress is an elegant easy to use fully featured shopping cart application suitable for selling your products, services, fees online and connects you with your potential customers in a seamless manner. WP e-Commerce works well sites of all shapes and sizes. You can use it so sell actual physical products, digital downloads, or even memberships. WP e-Commerce Plugins Features Import/Export Payment Gateways Integration Search Engine Optimization Internationalization Support(Like multiple currencies) Shipping Checkout Managing Orders Catalog Mangement Link: [JWD-Wordpress-Development] eShop eShop is a another good option to make shopping cart in wordpress. The eShop plugin is easy to use and offers a solid all-around e-commerce solution for WordPress sites. You can apply discounts to products to help enhance sales, and there are…
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Move a WordPress One Domain to Another

In some cases user need to move wordpress to subdomain or move wordpress from subdomain to main domain. Students in basic computer classes can learn how to move wordpress to another domain. Here I want to show you how to move wordpress from one domain to another. move wordpress site from subdomain to main domain Please follow this step for moving your wordpress site. 1. Please take backup whole site with database.2. Compress, Download & Upload site files via FTP or SSH (Secure Shell).3. Open wp-config.php and edit with to set your new domain. [sourcecode language="plain"]define('WP_SITEURL', '');<br> define('WP_HOME', '');[/sourcecode] Put this code at top of the file. 4. Edit wp-config.php with your new Database settings (host, db, user, password) 5. For replace old URL with new URL from your database…
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How to show popular posts in wordpress

Here I want to tech you how to get popular posts based on that post comment in wordpress withaout plugin. Display popular posts without plugin in wordpress | Get popular posts without plugin in wordpress To show lists of the popular posts in wordpress is very usefull features for getting post popularity wise or SEO to increase visitor or provide better output to the user. Many plugins are available to get popular posts in wordpress but here I want to show you how to get popular posts in wordpress without plugins. Opent function.php file and put it below code into them. [php] # Displays a list of popular posts <?php function dp_popular_posts($num, $pre='<li>', $suf='</li>', $excerpt=false) { global $wpdb; $querystr = "SELECT $wpdb->posts.post_title, $wpdb->posts.ID, $wpdb->posts.post_content FROM $wpdb->posts WHERE $wpdb->posts.post_status = 'publish'…
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How I can get theme URL in wordpress

I want to get my wordpress theme URL to display image.Below is the code to get wordpress current theme URL. This function will return the theme directory URL so you can use it in other functions: [sourcecode language="plain"] get_bloginfo('template_directory'); [/sourcecode] Alternatively, this function will echo the theme directory URL to the browser: [sourcecode language="plain"] bloginfo('template_directory'); [/sourcecode] So an example for an image in the themes images/headers folder would be: [sourcecode language="plain"] <img src="<?php bloginfo('template_directory'); ?>/images/headers/image.jpg" /> [/sourcecode] [JWD-Wordpress-Development]
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Install wordpress in blog name subdirectory

Wordpress not allow installing wordpress into subdirectory name with blog. Here are some step to remove this restrictions. WordPress hook directory : subdirectory_reserved_names Wp-admin/ms-edit.php line no:154 //$subdirectory_reserved_names = apply_filters( 'subdirectory_reserved_names', array( 'page', 'comments', 'blog', 'files', 'feed' ) ); $subdirectory_reserved_names = apply_filters( 'subdirectory_reserved_names', array( 'page', 'comments', 'files', 'feed' ) ); Wp-includes/ms-functions.php line no:516 //$subdirectory_reserved_names = apply_filters( 'subdirectory_reserved_names', array( 'page', 'comments', 'blog', 'files', 'feed' ) ); $subdirectory_reserved_names = apply_filters( 'subdirectory_reserved_names', array( 'page', 'comments', 'files', 'feed' ) ); OR Wp-includes/ms-functions.php on line 559 if (! is_subdomain_install() ) //$illegal_names = array_merge($illegal_names, apply_filters( 'subdirectory_reserved_names', array( 'page', 'comments', 'blog', 'files', 'feed' ) ) ); $illegal_names = array_merge($illegal_names, apply_filters( 'subdirectory_reserved_names', array( 'page', 'comments', 'files', 'feed' ) ) );   Wp-includes/ms-settings.php Line no: 73 //$reserved_blognames = array( 'page', 'comments', 'blog', 'wp-admin', 'wp-includes', 'wp-content', 'files', 'feed' ); $reserved_blognames =…
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Easily manage or publish multisite using worpress

Please look at below step for create multi site mode: Install WordPress and install as a normal WordPress. Add define('WP_ALLOW_MULTISITE', true); near the top of wp-config.php Log into the admin go to the tools/Network menu. If it asks you to deactivate all plug-ins do so otherwise go straight ahead and set up multi sites as sub-domains and fill in the other details as needed as needed. Make a note of the changes needed to wp-config.php and .htaccess and make the changes. You should now be in multi-site mode. [JWD-Wordpress-Development]
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