How to Raise More Money for Your Mobile App Startup

Mobile Application
Having a ‘million dollar idea’ is something that every 2 in 6 employees claim to have these days. It is the same idea that makes them quit their job and work towards the journey of creating their own startup. But, is every idea really worth a million dollar? Well, that you would know when you will have to go out there and present your ideas to get the money from funders. The trick lies in not the idea, but its execution! The majority of the startups fail not because they don’t get proper funding but the real reason is that they have poor execution. Why do You fail to Get Funding? One of the most trending start-up ideas is that of a ‘Mobile App’ start-up. Almost everyone wonders why their…
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7 Apps That Have Changed your Life…

Mobile Application
If there is one thing that has evolved at a rapid pace since past five years then unarguably, smartphones and mobile applications tops the list. It is pretty evident that smartphones are the fastest growing technology devices and mobile applications can easily fall under the bracket of quickest need generator. Having the right mobile apps can make a significant impact in our day to day lives as it is done to solve the purpose. When some of the most amazing smartphones gets a blend with the finest mobile applications,  it has the power to simplify human lives. Here are those seven mobile apps that have changed your life. Get these if you have not already.   Red Panic Button The Red Panic catch is one such application that can let…
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