Going from Web to App Development

Mobile Application
Smartphones have become common. Apps have changed how we work, socialize, buy products, read news and get entertained, and the market for mobile devices consume more and more of the dwindling PC market.   Therefore, it’s no surprise that more and more people are considering becoming app developers, and with the trend still on the rise, perhaps now is not a bad time to jump on board.   One can get far in application development on their own, there are many self-taught app developers currently working as in-house developers around the world without formal education.   Only in recent years have universities and other schools begun to create app-specific educations, and because of this many employers are looking for the self taught programmers who initially got in the game because…
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Mobile Application
The year 2015 witnessed some groundbreaking revolution regarding app design. Last year was the year of new-age minimalistic app design. Mobile application, which started off as an add-on service long ago is now focusing on the customized design so as to drive business through it. This is the reason why mobile app designers are focusing more on enhancing UX with some cutting-edge designs. Now that 2016 is halfway already, plenty of changes are expected on the mobile application design front. New trends will set, current benchmarks will rise, and design innovations shall flourish again. So for all those design fanatics out there, let's dig deep into what lies ahead for us in 2016. Make way for skeuomorphism Yes, we are back to where we started the app design during the…
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How to Make Your Mobile App Interesting

Mobile Application
Ever since the birth of the smart phone, the mobile app race has been nothing less than extraordinary. Every day, more and more apps are being churned out by mobile app developers to showcase various products, services, and companies. In fact, there are tons of apps for almost any activity you can think of – from taking regular pictures to planning minute per minute schedule of your office activities. A typical mobile app development company in the Philippines is often handling various apps at the same time. So the question is how would you make your own mobile app more interesting than other existing apps in the market? Make it Simple Fancy is overrated. Just because a particular app is well accessorized with animations, pictures, and/or buttons does not mean…
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