Add new field customer registration form in magento
Magento furnishes a straightforward client account information exchange page. Be that as it may, some online saves may need to gather significant client data for additional focused on and particular communications with their clients. A few illustrations of portions that could be gathered incorporate occupation, jobtitle etc… I will exhibit the expansion of another custom field to the information exchange shape asking new clients to enter their occupation and jobtitle. Here I saw you logically ordered proce Step 1: Create file app/etc/modules/Jwd_Customer.xml Add this code [sourcecode language="plain"] <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?> <config> <modules> <Jwd_Customer> <codePool>local</codePool> <active>true</active> </Jwd_Customer> </modules> </config> [/sourcecode] Step 2: Create files and folder app/code/local/Jwd/Customer/etc/config.xml [sourcecode language="plain"] <?xml version="1.0"?> <config> <modules> <Jwd_Customer> <version></version> </Jwd_Customer> </modules> <global> <fieldsets> <customer_account> <occupation><create>1</create><update>1</update></occupation> <jobtitle><create>1</create><update>1</update></jobtitle> </customer_account> </fieldsets> <models> <Jwd_Customer> <class>Jwd_Customer_Model</class> </Jwd_Customer> </models> <helpers> <Jwd_Customer>…