Setting up an online store on Shopify, stocking inventory, and laying off the groundwork is an easy part. You must have invested time and effort in Shopify development with a view to sales more products than expected. But did you hit the target which you were expecting at the initial stage?

You are not alone. A majority of retailers face the same fate of limited eCommerce product sales via the Shopify store.
It is not the problem with Shopify. But lack of using the right marketing strategy with the changing time.
You know what 375,000 eCommerce stores are running on Shopify. And, not all follow the same set of marketing tactics.
Despite, this you can follow few tips and find a rapid change in the eCommerce business that leads to more sales.
In this guide, we take you in the right direction of increasing Shopify store growth and witness enhanced sales. Let’s start with points that you know but not implemented yet and after that things might not know.
Things that you know
* Building an eCommerce mobile app to get 15% more revenue than website sales.
* Increase the category of products to bring more options to customers and enrich the conversion rate.
* Set up Push Notifications to decrease the abandoned cart rate and improve conversion ratio.
* Offer product recommendations as per user’s search preference and buying behaviour.
Now, that we have refreshed your memory lane with the above points, the next step is to implement the new marketing strategies mentioned below.
Boost the Growth of your Shopify Store with these Tips
1. Place Opt-In Forms
You cannot sell unless you do not grab the attention of customers at a first glance. For this reason, choose to build a pop-up message for your Shopify store. Many eCommerce merchants use a pop-up message that displays discount coupons or product deals on the main page of the store. It improves the conversion rate by 3.1%. It means, many customers while visiting an eCommerce store, first, click on the pop-up message displaying profitable offers. One important thing to note here is that a pop-up display should on relevant pages of your store but not all. Also, make sure every single message is different for varied categories of products.
2. Use Paid Advertising
Do you know that eCommerce paid advertising has the potential to increase product sales by 19.3% on desktop and 27.7% on mobile apps? If not, then you know the difference between organic and paid marketing campaigns.
Start the one for you to better understand customers buying behaviour. Diving in the profitable paid advertising through Google Ads, YouTube Ads, Facebook Ads, or any other will provide you following few benefits
* Increase set of sales
* Understand how customers react to a particular type of marketing messages
* Test your ideas before executing
So, implement this strategy with your stop selling products. Or at least the one which has a universal approach among customers.
3. Retail your Existing Customers
A majority of retailers commit this mistake of driving energy towards making a new customer base. Most of them forget the fact that 65% of actual sales come from existing customers.
This is true. And, you can try it without putting on much money, effort, and time.
Just take an example. You shop groceries from a store every month not because you like it but your trust the brand that offers quality products at the best price.
Similarly, gain the same level of trust with your customers by following the below effective strategies.
1. Send regular emails to customers to notify new products in stock, wish Birthday, announce special offers, shopping cart abandoned emails, and send seasoned emails. Doing this will engage customers on regular basis and they think of your brand every time they like to purchase.
2. Retargeting is another way to retain existing customers. Just place a cookie in their browser to show information about which products they are looking for.
3. Incentivize your existing customers by offering a special discount if they come back to shop again on your Shopify store.
4. Stay responsive to Social Media feedbacks, complaints, and reviews. Also, do not take negative comments seriously. And, instead, reply in a positive and polite manner.
4. Analytics
Analyze what your customers want and what you are lacking as a Shopify store owner. Make the best use of the Google Analytics tool integrated with the Shopify platform to gather data related to daily, weekly, monthly, or annual web traffic, conversion, and retention rate. The measured customer data helps you assess your situation, making necessary changes, and further, improve sales patterns.
5. Effective Content Marketing
The eCommerce content is just limited to writing product descriptions only. It is much more than that. You must have heard that statement that “Content is King”. It is true in an eCommerce business.
For your Shopify store, improve your content marketing strategies using the mentioned points below:
* Update video content to increase sales by 64%
* Increase SEO-based keywords in product descriptions
* Add high-quality images
* Gather positive reviews from customers and share on Social Media
* Start quiz content on social channels to increase the traffic
6. Use Live Chat Option
Improving the customer support on the Shopify store is another useful tip to increase retention, engagement, and conversion rate. Instead of allowing customers to call Customer Care, look for FAQs for relevant questions, or wait for an email reply. Start a Live Chat option of Chatbot to bring support system available in a 24×7 running environment. It provides instant customer service, attends to several customers at the same time, automates responses, and offers personalized support to all.
Final Note
The eCommerce business is evolving with the support of Shopify. Investing in Shopify development is a win-win situation for retailers to hit the right spot of customers and follow the mentioned tips to increase sales. Constantly update the latest trends and newer improvements by getting the optimum support of OrangeMantratech and see incredible results ahead.
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