The Advantages of Using WordPress Themes

Many individuals that operate their own websites struggle with creating the type of site they want, and the ability to maintain it at all times. WordPress has the power necessary to operate nearly any type of website for free, or next to nothing. Designed as the highest recognized content management systems (CMS), WordPress offers significant benefits over its competition. The Ease of Use Nearly everyone that operates a website has no programming experience. Even though their sites are built on HTML coding technology, site owners are usually in the dark at the first sign of any problem in the way their site functions. Alternatively, WordPress does not require any CSS or HTML knowledge, or the need to understand PHP programming. WordPress simply offers highly complex features and functions, without the…
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Update product stock directly from Magento database

Sometime in some situation development time we need to update products quantity and stock status directly in the magento database. here I describe the most efficient way to do this is to update the products quantity and stock status directly in the database. Product quantity is stored in cataloginventory_stock_item table in qty and stock status in is_in_stock column, also we have to update cataloginventory_stock_status, the columns qty and stock_status with the corresponding Boolean value. So, the SQL query should look something like below query: [sourcecode language="plain"] UPDATE cataloginventory_stock_item item_stock, cataloginventory_stock_status status_stock SET item_stock.qty = '$new_quantity', item_stock.is_in_stock = IF('$new_quantity'>0, 1,0), status_stock.qty = '$new_quantity', status_stock.stock_status = IF('$new_quantity'>0, 1,0) WHERE item_stock.product_id = '$product_id' AND item_stock.product_id = status_stock.product_id [/sourcecode] where $new_quantity contains the product quantity sent by our ERP system and $product_id is the…
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Add Meta Descriptions WordPress

An extremely critical thing to give careful consideration to when enhancing your webpage for web crawler standing is making novel pages meta portrayals for the greater part of the pages on your site that you need to have filed. Assuming that you investigate Google, or any web search tool, you will see a blurb about your page underneath the page title. This small touch of content is taken for the content your page has in the meta depiction tag. No content, no blurb on Google, and perhaps no indexing whatsoever. Having an extraordinary title for every page is paramount, however additionally essential is verifying that the depiction for your page is exactly as extraordinary and significant. The incredible thing about Wordpress is that you can utilize some essential capacities to…
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The Juniper Certification Exam for Professional Enterprise Routing and Switching

As a seasoned professional in the internet services industry, you’ve no doubt built up a great deal of knowledge and expertise over the years; however, ensuring your document your expertise is the most effective way to validate your skills and abilities and make yourself a more valuable current, or prospective, employee. Achieving Juniper Networking certification through the completion of the JN0-643 exam, which is the professional level certification test in Enterprise Routing and Switching, is certainly a step in the right direction. The JN0-643 exam is a two hour test that features 70 multiple choice questions, all of which are based on the 10.3 version of Junos. The exam is administered by Pearson VUE and is designed with IT networking professionals in mind who possess a more advanced level or…
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Some Facts about Popularity of Magento Extension and Modules

Magento has become a popular extension among many sites nowadays. It also has become one of the most functional and powerful platforms for e-commerce sites which offer customization that is rich and full of possibilities with its modules and extensions. This software is built on a model that is full modular and it provides unlimited flexibility and capability to your website or online store. Listed below are some of the facts about Magento and its extensions and modules. Enhance the Functionality of Magento: Aside from the out of the box functionality of Magento, people are still trying to enhance the software's capabilities. Given that its open source, any programmer can sort the software itself to suit to whatever he or she wants out of Magento. The possibilities of enhancement for…
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How to speed up wordpress site

Wordpress is a standout amongst the most extensively utilized blogging stages accessible and for great explanation for why. Various attachment ins and subjects exist that permit the client to make an exceedingly particular experience for their gathering of people. In any case, there will come a period when your Wordpress website begins to feel bloated and moderate. The accompanying tips will assist get your website over to the smooth encounter it ought to be for your followers. Overhaul and Clean Up Wastefulness is a major guilty party regarding the matter of unfortunate exhibition in any programming. Guarantee you keep your Wordpress introduction and cork ins state-of-the-art. Planners will regularly enhance effectiveness on their programming as they press on to take a shot at it and refine their methodology. Don't have…
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Useful google tools for SEO and Webmasters

All the Google devices are free. Client inviting interface of these devices is reasonable indeed, for the tenderfoot. The greater part of the instruments are arranged to Google webmasters, advertisers and designers who need to push their destinations or items. Google devices will make the announcement methodology much less demanding and speedier, which in turn will make a benefit in a shorter time of time. Despite the fact that these provisions have free access visionaries tried to make their utilitarian as successful as could reasonably be expected. Google Webmaster Tools could be an influential associate. Be that as it may, assuming that you commit an error or put this force in the wrong hands, it can mean inconvenience for your website streamlining. 1. Google Analytics This web administration could be…
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Improve search result function magento

Magento default seek capacity is really exceptional, yet in the event that you need to enhance with additional clear and relevant effect then need to taking after progressions. Magento will sort on a rising request. In different statements, the most applicable items will be at the base. We need plunging request, in different statements, the best comes about at the top. We are set to change it by pointing out the diving sort request in the template record. Search for the document, and in the event that its not in your topic's template/catalogsearch envelope, include it. [sourcecode language="plain"] <input type="hidden" name="order" value="relevance" /> <input type="hidden" name="dir" value="desc" /> [/sourcecode] This changes the search so that our most relevant results show first. Make a copy of app/code/core/Mage/CatalogSearch/Model/resource/Fulltext.php And place it…
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Five Reasons Why You Should Go With PHP

Reasons simply incline us to believe in our decisions. They tend us to work hard to prove our decision as the productive ones. Therefore, you should give reasons to yourself before taking any decision that affects the future of your business organization. So, if you are going to use PHP in your website as a lead programming language or any Web Development Company then you should give at least five reasons that are tending you to pick PHP out of dozens of other programming languages. These reasons will help you in evolving your website with openness of this programming language. Well, you will be aware with its open source nature and other aspects but you will read about the special opportunities that can be availed with these aspects in upcoming lines. Open…
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A Simple Guide for Installation of Ruby on Rails Environment

Ruby on Rails
A Simple Guide For Installation of Ruby on Rails Environment This particular guide is meant to provide assistance with the installation of the Ruby on Rails environment.  It has been kept extremely lucid with the objective of making it simpler for the beginners to follow it and perform the entire task from scratch.  I will like to provide some information about Ruby & Rails before we move ahead with the installation tutorial. Rails is a web development framework, which runs on the Ruby programming language.  The objective of designing this framework is to make programming extremely basic and more productive.  In other words, it presents such functionalists which considerably alleviate the need of writing codes, and at the same time helps programmers accomplish more from their work.  It also suggests…
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