Free PHP, HTML, CSS, JavaScript editor (IDE) – Codelobster PHP Edition

  For significant work on making of locales, you require a decent agreeable editorial manager essentially. There are many requiring paid items, for this reason, however, we might want to choose for nothing out of pocket extremely useful and in the meantime of straightforward in the utilization manager - Codelobster PHP Version. Give us a chance to think of some as imperative potential outcomes and focal points of this program: All code features relying upon a sort, the additionally blended code is subsequently upheld, so the region of HTML will be featured as HTML, PHP as PHP, and Javascript as Javascript in a similar document. There is the probability of decision from shading plans, including well known IDEs. Powerful autocompletion for HTML, PHP, CSS and Javascript, including HTML5 and CSS3.…
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Use Movavi Screen Recorder to record videos in your PC

Have you been waiting for a streaming video for days and now you can’t watch it because of your packed schedule? Well, there is nothing to worry about it today as you have Movavi screen recorder for PC. It’s a highly acclaimed robust video capture software which enables its users to record any sort of live online videos in PC or laptop. The software is simple to use and does not ask for advanced computing skills. Important features of Movavi Screen Recorder Able to record any kind of streaming video and music files from any website Able to record video calls like Skype calls Comes with inbuilt editor to help with editing functions Allows to extract audio from video Records and saves videos with no compromise on quality Able to…
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Removing Or Editing Copyright Notice From The Footer In Magneto 2

The development process is a complex matter. And as you create software, you might have lots of questions. And in this blog, we are trying to help you answer at least some of them. Today, we will discuss the issue of creating a message to a system log. If you are looking for a way to create a custom variable or a system message with Magento 2, then here is how you can do it. Programming is a straightforward industry: there are always clear ways to achieve specific goals. So, after you finish reading this article, you will have a solid understanding of the process. It is no easy rogerian essay topics. So, without further ado, let’s dive into the process itself. What are logs? First things first. Let’s clarify…
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Automate your SEO setting By Powerful Magento 2 SEO Extension

Whether you are running small store or big eCommerce website. If your targeted niche is competitive, you must have to do SEO for rank in SERPs. SEO(Search Engine Optimization) plays a vital role in your sales performance. Before starting to know about extension let me explain why SEO need for an eCommerce store. Suppose you have a store with the 10k product list and you want to set all product unique detail for on-page SEO optimization i.e set unique Meta information, Dynamic internal Linking, Set canonical Tag for the product as well category page, Generate Site map, etc. Now think that if you are doing all things individually then it will take approx 2 months and after you will not get the proper result. Then What is the solution? These…
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Top 10 Magento Design Trends to Follow in 2017

Magento is an ever-growing ecommerce platform. By incorporating the latest design trends, Magento designers can make your online business outstanding and revenue generating. The present post is describing top ten design trends and philosophy behind it. Today one of the Magento online store designers has initiated a discussion over recent Magento design trends, and we have summed up it to publish top 10 Magento design trends to follow today. No.1: Large Background Images Images are louder than texts, and a larger image leaves profound impacts on the mind of onlookers than a tiny thumbnail or mid-size photo. We have advanced digital camera technologies and image optimization technologies to life-size product images taken from real life. Magento ecommerce designers are leveraging all in their designing and set alluring imagery in the…
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Key Reasons Why You Should Have Social Plugins On Your Website When Developing It

Have you launched a website and are now wondering how to reach your intended target audience? If yes, do you know who your target audience is? This question needs to be answered before developing the website so that you can get the most out of it. The planning does not stop here; now you need to figure out how you’re going to bring your targeted number of users to your website. You would also have to be interested in knowing the reaction and response of your viewers towards your products or anything on your website. The answer to all of your needs is fairly simple ⸺ incorporating social plugins while developing your website. Social media is the thing of now! It is present in almost every society and has merged…
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Get Current Category and Current Product Detail Magento2

There are two ways to get or find the current category and current product detail any phtml file. [php] <?php $objectManager = \Magento\Framework\App\ObjectManager::getInstance(); $product = $objectManager->get('Magento\Framework\Registry')->registry('current_product');//get current product echo $product->getId(); echo $product->getName(); ?> [/php] Or you can try to get other way using your custom module block file. app/code/JWD/WelcomeWorld/Block/WelcomeWorld.php [php] <?php namespace JWD\WelcomeWorld\Block; class WelcomeWorld extends \Magento\Framework\View\Element\Template { protected $_registry; public function __construct( \Magento\Backend\Block\Template\Context $context, \Magento\Framework\Registry $registry, array $data = [] ) { $this->_registry = $registry; parent::__construct($context, $data); } public function _prepareLayout() { return parent::_prepareLayout(); } public function getCurrentCategory() { return $this->_registry->registry('current_category'); } public function getCurrentProduct() { return $this->_registry->registry('current_product'); } } ?> [/php] Look at output or print using below code: [php] <?php // print current category data $currentCategory = $block->getCurrentCategory(); echo $currentCategory->getName() . ' '; echo $currentCategory->getUrl() . '…
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How to Raise More Money for Your Mobile App Startup

Mobile Application
Having a ‘million dollar idea’ is something that every 2 in 6 employees claim to have these days. It is the same idea that makes them quit their job and work towards the journey of creating their own startup. But, is every idea really worth a million dollar? Well, that you would know when you will have to go out there and present your ideas to get the money from funders. The trick lies in not the idea, but its execution! The majority of the startups fail not because they don’t get proper funding but the real reason is that they have poor execution. Why do You fail to Get Funding? One of the most trending start-up ideas is that of a ‘Mobile App’ start-up. Almost everyone wonders why their…
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What are the Pros and Cons of E-commerce Responsive Website Design with Magento?

With the launch of so many mobile devices, some of the companies have changed their strategy and procedure for developing websites. Now, most companies go for responsive website design otherwise the websites which they have developed will not show well on mobile devices. Most of such websites which are doing these are either online marketing sites, social media sites, e-Commerce sites and several other sites. Most of the Fortune 500 companies have opted for this change in their websites. Still, there are a large number of companies which have not implemented this changes for responsive website design. Many of the companies which had not incorporated a responsive design to their websites were explaining about their inaction by giving excuses like most of their customers were not using mobile for website…
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Call to a member function getStoreLabel() in price.phtml

After upgrade Magento get error on list and view page. Fatal error: Call to a member function getStoreLabel() on a non-object in price.phtml I got simple fix as below and its working fine for me. Open this file : app/design/frontend/[your_package]/[your_theme]/template/catalog/product/price.phtml Find this code: [php] $_specialPriceStoreLabel = $this->getProductAttribute('special_price')->getStoreLabel(); [/php]   And replace it with below: [php] $specialPriceAttr = $this->getProductAttribute('special_price'); if (!is_null($specialPriceAttr)) { $_specialPriceStoreLabel = $this->getProductAttribute('special_price')->getStoreLabel(); } else { $_specialPriceStoreLabel = ''; } [/php]     [JWD-Magento-Development]
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