9 ways to source and interview a web developer

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Web development continues to be one of the most sought after skills in today’s internet age, web development involves developing websites for desktops, tablets, gaming systems and handheld mobile phones. Websites can be built for various reasons like social networking, e-commerce, marketing, providing relevant information and blog posts. The duty of the web developer is to design, host and maintain these websites and drive traffic to these websites, hence it is very critical to hire a competent web developer. A competent web developer is expected to be a technical expert or a technical recruitment agency and should have excellent time management skills to juggle multiple projects on hand.

Here are 9 ways to source and interview web developers for hire.

1. Identifying your goal/objective

There are various kinds of web developers available on the market so identifying your goal becomes highly relevant in finding the right fit, there are web developers who specialize in graphic designing, content moderation, aesthetics and functionality. Identifying our purpose enables us to target the right web developer and hire a suitable web developer for the intended function

2. Filter the talent pool based on suitability

Filtering the right talent pool based on suitability is a very important step in hiring a web developer. A logo designing company can hire an expert in graphic designing, a e-commerce company can hire a developer, or online news company can hire a coder with relevant working experience hence defining our suitability is a key area in hiring a competent web developer

3. Preparing a clear Job description

Preparing a clear job description is a prerequisite for any job moreover for a web development task, since web development touches on multiple areas like coding, developing, testing and maintenance. A clear job description is targeted towards the right audience and helps in hiring the right web developer.

4. Budgeting a reasonable sum for the project

Budgeting is the key to hiring any technical expert, the same goes true for web development. Setting aside a certain sum of money for the project can bring clarity to the level of expertise that is needed for the project. Hence setting a reasonable budget helps in targeting the right audience. A below par compensation does not incentivize the web developers with the correct skills suitable for the project and overcompensation could be hurtful from the company’s financial perspective

5. Evaluate the developers’ portfolio

All season web developers have a portfolio of the jobs that they have completed, taking a closer look at the developers’ portfolio can help the hiring company to decide if the candidate is the right fit for the job description. This information is usually public and can be obtained from the developer during the hiring process. A developers’ skill set can be quickly evaluated by this method.

6. Look for testimonials/recommendations

An experienced web developer for hire usually has a list of testimonials or recommendations provided to him by his previous employers, these testimonials can throw some light on the work ethics of the candidate and on the skill level of the developer. A positive testimonial is a big bonus for the hiring company as the previous employer has already vetted the skillset of the developer.

7. Check for additional skill sets

Although the job description is for web development it is good to check if the candidate possesses some additional skills that comes in handy during the course of employment. Having additional skills that complements the employee’s role is a huge incentive for the hiring company. Other computer skills that come in handy is Microsoft excel skills, data mining etc

8.Evaluate the developers’ communication skills

Communication skills are very important in today’s age of the internet, there are multiple stakeholders in a given project like developer’s testers, managers and the client. It is important that the developer possesses excellent communication skill to bring out his idea and discuss with all the stakeholders to make an informed decision therefore having excellent communication skills is of paramount importance when hiring a web developer

9. Conduct a mock web development session during an interview

A mock development session or a whiteboard session during the interview process can help the interviewer to understand the thought process and the technical knowledge of the developer. A simple task during the interview can shed some light on the capability of the developer hence conducting a mock development session during the interview could help in hiring the most suitable candidate.

In conclusion the strategies mentioned above can be applied by the employer, technical recruitment agency or the hiring manager in sourcing and interviewing a web developer for the company. With the availability of a talent pool in abundance it is very critical to conduct due diligence and vet the skills of the developer and ensure that the developer is a good fit for job opening goes a long way in finding the right person for the right job.


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