Non-profit organizations often struggle to market themselves cost-effectively. The value of a donor is often difficult to gauge, and many non-profits end up overpaying for their marketing efforts by accident. This is why more of them should focus most of their efforts on online marketing.
Online marketing is one of the most powerful ways to reach donors and is often much more affordable than traditional outreach tactics. The only issue is that many organizations do not know how to use it correctly. Let’s take a look at a few online marketing tips all non-profits should consider.
Unleash the Power of SMS Marketing
A lot of non-profits are reluctant to use SMS marketing because they’re not used to it. It can seem intimidating at first glance, but SMS marketing is really simple and perfect for non-profit organizations. It allows them to get right in front of their audience’s faces when they’re the most attentive.
People are on their phones all the time these days and receiving a notification just at the right moment could encourage them to donate on the spot. Especially if it’s for an issue that is getting a lot of attention.
You must use a good platform, however. It will help you keep your lists and data well organized, ensure that you get permission from the people you send a text to, and will allow you to personalize your efforts. If you’re looking for a great platform for NPO SMS donations, Tatango is a great option.
Use Social Media Wisely
Social media can also be a great tool for non-profit organizations, but you have to know how to use it correctly. Don’t simply use it to toot your own horn or to ask for donations.
Social media should be used as a tool for you to build a genuine connection with your audience. You want to make them feel like they are part of the organization and on the ground doing the work with you.
It would also be a good idea to have interviews with people who have been helped by your efforts. This will help put a human face on them and show people what you’re doing to change lives.
Optimize Your Website
All nonprofits should focus on making their website highly visible on search engines. Search engine traffic is very important and when you invest in search engine optimization, you’re setting a chain of events that could lead you to enjoy tons of free traffic.
Having a solid content strategy will make you more relevant in your niche, but will also help boost your site’s rankings, so make sure that you are consistent, naturally use the right keywords, and get your content on the right outlets. On the on-site side, you have to make sure that you also use highly search-relevant keywords naturally, make the site as performance as possible, and always add fresh content while pruning out content that is no longer relevant or not bringing visitors.
If you want to improve your online marketing efforts, follow these tips. A modern non-profit can’t succeed without a sound digital marketing strategy, so start building one today and don’t be afraid to ask for outside help if needed.
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